The TCC’s 30th Anniversary: To Good Old Friends (Short Film Series)Happy Birthday to the Taipei Cultural Center in New York!Founded in 2010, Vincent H...
This year marks the 30th anniversary of our center. Since the Taipei Cultural Center’s founding in 1991, we have been blessed to work with so many won...
The Taipei Cultural Center is pleased to welcome Subway Cinema’s popular series “Old School Kung Fu Fest,” which is now in its ninth edition. This yea...
Embedded in a rock-like form at each of six stations are scents selected by six artists and created for the installation by master perfumer Christophe...
Taiwanese artist Wu Chi-tsung(吳季璁)'s solo exhibition jing-atmospheres《境》takes place at the Sean Kelly Gallery in New York from Nov. 5 to Dec. 18 to pr...
The Taipei Cultural Center, in collaboration with Anthology Film Archives, is pleased to present a series of films titled “The Film of Hsin Chi (辛奇)” ...
The 25th Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival (TRAIF) will take place virtually from November 10 to November 19. Two Taiwanese films that re...
Taipei Cultural Center in New York is very pleased to announce that Taiwanese curator; Erica Yu-Wen Huang starts her residency program, International ...
Wet Networks is supported by Taipei Cultural Center in New York and is mainly organized by the Queens Museum (QM) and is presented in partnership with...
The Taipei Cultural Center and Michigan State University (Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures) are delighted to co-present an Online Aut...