In view of the lack of accessible archives of moving image or organized collections dedicated to its preservation and dissemination across countries in Asia, non-profit organization Asia Art Archive in American and Collaborative Cataloging Japan, together with MoMA's Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives, are co-presenting a workshop titled "Archival Impulse: Collecting and Conserving Moving Image in Asia" on September 10, 2015.
This program aims to bring together archiving initiatives that have emerged in recent years across Asia, presenting an opportunity to rethink and share methods philosophies, and challenges to archiving moving image and time-based media works, according to AAA. Scholars and experts from Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and India will participate in this event and share their views on the subject. Representing Taiwan, Professor Huang Chien-Hung from Taipei national University of Arts will give a presentation titled "Migrating Archiving" during the panel discussion, while Alf Chang, the Director of ETAT Lab, will speak on his experience in establishing the lab and developing the Taiwan Contemporary Art Archive.
The event will open in the morning with public panel discussions, following by a closed-door workshop in the afternoon that provides an opportunity to expand and deepen the exchange. In addition, field trips to New York-based organizations pioneered on collecting, preserving and circulating moving image, such as Rhizome, the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, Anthology Film Archive, etc. are arranged for the panelists to enhance dialogue.(E)