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2025-2027 ISPA Taiwan Fellowship Application opens for Taiwan’s arts professionals

2025-2027 ISPA Taiwan FellowshipApplication opens for Taiwan’s artsprofessionals

The Taipei Cultural Center in New York collaborates with the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) to host the 2025-2027 ISPA Taiwan Fellowship Application, providing two arts professionals based in Taiwan with three years of access to ISPA’s extensive international network.

The 2025-2027 ISPA Taiwan Fellowship offers several benefits to the selected candidates,including one-year ISPA membership, Full Pass registration to the New York 2025 ISPA Congress,and a stipend for attending the New York Congress.

ISPA is a global network of more than 500 leaders in the performing arts with representation from more than 185 cities and all regions of the globe. ISPA members include facilities, performing arts organizations, artist managers, festivals, funders, consultants, and other professionals working in the performing arts.

The application is now open until June 21, with result expected to be announced in mid-August. For more information, please see:

To apply, go to:
