UPDATEDFree Screening | The Possible Memoirs of a Traitor*with English subtitlesFriday, June 29, 6:30pm Screening + Discussion with Playwright Li-Ying...
The annual New York MoCCA Arts Festival will take place at the “Metropolitan West” in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, on April 7st and 8st. This exhibition...
PRIDE TAIWAN - a series of LGBTQ events with a Taiwanese flair - will be held in New York from April through June to underscore Taiwan's leading role ...
駐紐約臺北文化中心與北美華文作家協會共同主辦的紐約地區文學講座,邀請到臺灣知名散文作家、聯合報副刊主編宇文正來美主講「報紙副刊的前世今生」,活動日期為8月20日週六下午2時,地點在紐約世界日報總社3樓文化藝廊(141-07 20th Ave. Whitestone, Queens, NY 11357...
Asian American Writers' Workshop (AAWW) hosts an evening for language, food, art, & place to come together on a shared table. Situating her writin...
Legacy of an LGBTQ Countercultural Icon, a Talk on Taiwanese late novelist Qiu Miaojin (邱妙津)’s “Notes of a Crocodile”(鱷魚手記) and “Last Words from Montm...
A Fable For Now Written by Wei Yu-Chia (Taiwan)Directed by Mei Ann Teo. Translated by Jeremy Tiang.Discussion moderated by Melissa Wansin Wong.S...
Sponsored by the Taiwan Ministry of Culture and Taipei Cultural Center, organized by the Association of Taipei Publishers, the Taiwan Pavilion—The Pow...
Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Sat, April. 15, 2017Location: West Bloomfield Library4600 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323Contact: tflai@msn.comTh...
The annual New York MoCCA Arts Festival will take place at the "Metropolitan West" in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, on April 1st and 2nd. This exhibition...