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AUGUST  2016 Newsletter of Taipei Cultural Center in New York_圖片_0
Taipei Cultural Center to Celebrate Its 25th Anniversary with Unconventional “Tea Party”
紐文中心歡慶二十五週年 Tea Party《慢‧漫》揭序幕

To mark the milestone of its 25th anniversary, Taipei Cultural Center in New York—Taiwan’s chief cultural mission in North America, invites Lin Ceramics Studio to come to New York August 12-17 to perform its award-winning program “Tea Party: Slow. Flow” and share the depth and richness of Taiwan’s unique tea culture with local audiences.

Yi Cha Huei Yo(以茶會友), which ...

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Taipei Cultural Center to Celebrate Its 25th Anniversary with “Dialogue on Printmaking: The Taiwan-US Exchange Exhibition”
《版面‧對話—臺美版畫交流展》紐文25周年慶登場 開啟臺美版畫交流新紀元

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the Taipei Cultural Center in New York is pleased to present Dialogue on Printmaking: The Taiwan - US Exchange Exhibition, organized by Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts and in collaboration with the Taiwan Society of Printmaking and the Society of American Graphic Artists (SAGA). The exhibition will feature ...

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Taipei Cultural Center to Celebrate Its 25th Anniversary with A Vibrant Selection of the Most Riveting Taiwanese Films
紐文中心歡慶25週年 推臺灣當代精選電影展

Taipei Cultural Center in New York celebrates its 25th anniversary by presenting a selection of the most riveting films by some of the most exciting voices in contemporary Taiwan Cinema, including Dir. Yang Li-Chou, Chen Singing and Chang Jung-Chi. This series showcases 4 documentaries and 2 features, from history documentary and artist documentary to detective feature and gripping dramatic feature, ...

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“Taipei Cultural Center in New York” Facebook

Dear Friends, We have created “Taipei Cultural Center in New York” Facebook. Please visit our new page and “like” us to stay updated on the center’s news and programs. Click HERE to our facebook.親愛的紐約臺北文化中心的朋友們, 歡迎加入紐約臺北文化中心臉書,讓您更快接收到我們的最新活動訊息。請按這裏至本中心臉書。

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1 East 42nd Street, Floor 7th, New York, NY 10017, USA
Ph: +1-212-697-6188  |  Fax: +1-212-697-630
